How old does my child have to be to take lessons with Dance Tree?
We offer classes for students who are 2-12.
What subjects do you offer?
The following is an overview of the different generes of dance we offer at Dance Tree:
- PreDance (Ages 2): A 30 minute class in tap, ballet and strength and stretch gross motor development
- Creative Dance (Ages 3-6): A 45 minute class of tap, ballet, rhythmic exercises and strength and stretch gross motor development
- Cheer/Drill/Hip Hop (Ages vary with school): A fun, innovative class teaching the latest in cheer, hip hop and dance techniques
- Hop Hop (Ages vary with school): A 30 minute class
- School Age Dance (Ages 5-12): A 60 minute class of tap, ballet and jazz to give the beginner older student a broad foundation
Do you accept male students?
We absolutely welcome male students in all classes and age groups.
Are parents allowed to observe classes?
Yes, we absolutely allow parents to observe our Dance Tree classes. You should check with your child's school to make sure they allow visitors during the day. The only thing that Dance Tree asks, is that you avoid being in an area where you are visible to your child. Once the child sees mommy or daddy, it is difficult to hold their attention. Many of our schools have closed circut cameras for viewing on the internet.
What attire does my child need to wear to dance class?
*Dance classes wear a Dance Tree t-shirt, navy or black shorts, black tap shoes and pink ballet shoes (boys wear black ballet shoes).
*Cheer classes wear a Dance Tree t-shirt, CHEER shorts and tennis shoes (we sell a cheer kit that includes CHEER shorts, a pair of practice pom poms and a cheer bag)
*Hip Hop classes wear a Dance Tree t-shirt, navy or black shorts and tennis shoes
All attire can be purchased through Dance Tree.
Do I need to purchase dance shoes? Do you sell them?
Your star will need supplies and for your convenience they can be sized in class for dance shoes. Dance Tree sells a dance shoe kit, it would include a pair of black tap shoes, pink ballet shoes, a Dance Tree t-shirt and a Dance Tree drawstring bag. (boys wear black ballet shoes)
The cost is $82+tax=$88.77 (girls) $88+tax=$95.26 (Boys)
Does Dance Tree have annual recitals? Is participation in the recital required?
All Dance Tree students have the opportunity to perform in our amazing year-end show in which dancers will perform routines for their family and friends. It is the perfect way for students to showcase what they have learned over the year. It is the high point of the dance year and what children spend months looking forward to.
Recital participation is not required but we do strongly encourage participation. There is an additional costume fee for participation in recital.
How do I know when tuition is due?
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. A late fee of $15 will be put on your account after the 10th of each month for each child. All accounts are required to have a valid credit card on file for auto draft of the monthly tuition (that charge will be taken out on the 1st of each month).
If we miss a class, is it possible to make up that class at another time?
Unfortunately, our Dance Tree teachers are only at the day schools once a week so there is no opportunity to make up a missed class. If our teacher has to cancel for any reason, there will be a make up class scheduled.
Are there family rates of 2 or more kids?
Yes, registration rates are discounted. We also offer a multiple child tuition discount.
Can we join a class at anytime of the year?
We absolutely welcome students all year if the class has not achieved maximum enrollment! If you join the class closer to our annual recital, we will still welcome you to class but depending on the costume avaliablity your child may not be able to participate in the recital.
How do I sign up?
Frequetly Asked Questions